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Sharing the wonderful harp guitar music and related products with fans and harp guitar musicians all over the world is why I started this commercial site. I WANT to ship our products to you wherever you are! To facilitate that, please note the following shipping and ordering information: Postage can be very expensive to some countries, especially for oversize items like Dyer plans and posters and heavy items like books. The best and only accurate way to quote your shipping costs is for you to send an email with your order. Then I will pack it and get a quote from the Post Office, and email you the total, with any options. You simply then make one Paypal payment for this amount to: sales@harpguitarmusic.com. PLEASE NOTE: Any loss or damage to merchandise during shipping is your loss, unless you choose to pay extra for insurance and tracking - the choice is yours. I do not recommend shipping items by surface (sea), as this can take many months. Thank you! Gregg Miner
Email for more information |
What's New!
CDs &
DVDs by Stephen Bennett, John Doan, Muriel Anderson, Andy McKee,
Stacy Hobbs, Tom Shinness, Dan LaVoie, James Kline, Larry
Berwald, Bill Dutcher, Gregg Miner, Pasquale Taraffo |
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PO Box 573155
Tarzana, CA 91357
(818) 884-7937